Two Men by Dominic Allen
Looking out, Seeing In
Programmed by Raggatty Film Collective.
12 short films, loosely themed around connection to Mbantwe, its creative community, and some of the people who have and do feature prominently in the history of WTS. There are a couple of exceptions to add variety and interest.
The program is in three acts:
Act One - Here in the heart; five short documentaries that are concerned with various aspects of life in Mbantwe.
Act Two - Escape into fiction; four short films showing a range of creative approaches to storytelling.
Act Three - In the name of art; three short films by Mbantwe artists, all with connections to WTS, that show how wild film making can get.
Act 1
‘I Can’t Breath’ by Jaralji Films, Mpantwe
‘One Night before Klezmas’ by Fiona Walsh and Jock Morse
‘Pothumous Echoes’ by Fiona Walsh
‘Changes in the Next Design’ by Tahl Warchivker
‘Jennifer Taylor’ (A plein air painter in Arrente Country) by Fiona Walsh
‘The Alice Springs Ladies Auxiliary Bird Appreciation Society Choir’ by David Nixon
Act 2
‘Victoria’s Secret’ by Lucca Paijmans
‘Two Men’ by Dominic Allen
‘Homesickness’ by Aia Newport
‘Spoken’ by Lucca Paijmans
Act 3
‘Theia Goes’ by Suzi Lyon
‘Time Machine’ by Henry Smith
‘Dimension Elevator’ by David Nixon
BYO (no booze)
The Walk-In is an under-resourced cinema and we rely on a BYO hospitality attitude. We will provide warm food, fire and film, and request that you bring your own deck chair, swag, thermos, soup vessel, blanket and anything else you might need to keep yourself comfortable.
Please note this is a dry event, there will be no alcohol served or permitted. It is family friendly, dog friendly, it is friendly to all.
Provided in partnership with Pasta Madre
Please remember to BYO cup/bowl/spoon.