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Watch This Space is a dynamic artist-run space with a long history in the Central Desert region of so-called Australia. Our annual creative program supports local and interstate, emerging and established artists, collectives, curators and community organisations with a focus on experimental arts and social practices. WTS aims to stimulate discussion around issues that relate to our local context and wider contemporary arts discourse.

Our program values the amplification of voices of local, interstate, and international artists that may go unheard in mainstream spaces. We aim to cultivate a horizontal and inclusive community space for artists where experimentation, questioning, mutual aid, and collective responsibility are made possible. By offering opportunities for professional and unprofessional development, reciprocal skills- and knowledge-sharing and mentoring we support artists to share work that is generative. We orientate ourselves to our position in the centre of so-called Australia, which gives Watch This Space unique proximity to artists across the continent and beyond. With a lively onsite studio community of artists, two gallery spaces, an outdoor cinema, noticeboard, library, outdoor cinema, recording studio and mobile class room, we are open to facilitate a wide breadth of cultural activity. 

We have various processes to apply for programs: some are deadline-based, others vacancy-dependant, others Open Call all year 'round. Click the images for more details on each program. There are plenty of opportunities to contribute to our creative program outside these avenues, just get in touch.



We welcome proposals from individual artists, collectives, curators, amateur historians and community organisations to exhibit within or facilitated by WTS.

Applications for the creative program are now closed.


Amongst our gallery and six studio spaces, Watch This Space reserves one studio for artists living interstate, overseas or outside the NT’s Central Desert region.

Applications for the creative program are now closed.


As part of our annual creative program and support to artists, WTS holds five onsite studio spaces for local artists.

Applications for the artist studios are currently open.



The Pantry is a small gallery space for experimental exhibitions and video/photography projections. The program welcomes applications all year round and uses the "quick response" process.

Applications open all year.


The Noticeboard operates as a space for artists, researchers, autodidacts and amateurs to share the matters, insights, and methodologies that they think are most urgently needed in the world.

Applications open all year.


The Loftys is the Centre’s annual independent art award, celebrating an individual who has greatly contributed to the region's Arts Community. The award was named in honour of Pam Lofts, founder of Watch This Space.

Nominations open November 2024.


The Walk-In invites all members of our communities to participate in a festive celebration of cinema (and food).

Applications open all year for programming proposals.


Banner image: Free BQQ Cash Giveaway 2014. Photo credit: Alexandra Hullah


There are currently positions available for staff and our board.